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You're not alone on your TENOSYNOVIAL GIANT CELL TUMOR (TGCT) journey

We're here to support you along your journey. Join our communication list to get guidance and information to help manage your TGCT.

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keep MOVING with TGCT

TGCT doesn't just have a physical impact. It can have an emotional impact, too. It’s important to make space for your mental well-being.

Get help from TGCT Support

TGCT Support is an independent group
that is not affiliated with Deciphera.

More TGCT guidance and support

Expert Consensus
for Treating TGCT
TGCT Support
Facebook PageTGCT Support is an independent group that is not affiliated with Deciphera.

What's your #TGCTTruth?

Strength lies in numbers, and people living with TGCT are looking to each other for support. Everyone's story is unique. Share how TGCT has affected your life, and post wherever you are active below with #TGCTTruth and #TGCTStrong to connect with the broader TGCT community.

Share your truth.


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